
Clients and servers are expensive - what if we could run different clients and servers on the same machine?


  • Multiplexing: create multiple virtual objects from one underlying object
    • e.g. disk partitioning, virtual memory, sockets
  • Aggregation: create one virtual object from multiple underlying objects
    • e.g. RAID
  • Emulation: create a new type of virtual object from underlying objects
    • e.g. console emulators

Common Abstractions

  • send and recv with bounded buffer
    • abstraction of communication
  • virt memory
    • abstraction of physical memory
  • threads and processors
    • abstraction of interpreter

All of these are more general and can be provided directly, or by using virtualization


Physical v. Temporal

Take, for example, the CPU. We need to multiplex the CPU but obviously can’t have certain applications only use part of the CPU - so we multiplex in time using threads.

This is called timesharing. Only one application is really using the CPU at a time.

On the other hand, we can multiplex memory by splitting it up into virtual blocks - which is physical multiplexing. (handled by the Memory Management Unit on CPU)

A thread (CPU abstraction) + virtual memory is called a process.


  • a single thread state consists of:
    • reference to next instruction (PC)
    • references to environment (stack, heap, registers, etc)
  • single thread can be suspended at any time and later resumed
    • save thread state, protect the environment
  • OS multiplexes the CPU using threads

Managing Threads

  • thread created by another thread
    • program says to create a thread
    • user requests one (special case of program doing it)
  • first thread created by OS: init, parent of all processes
    • child threads (in unix) are spawned using fork()
  • OS
    • initializes the thread state
    • finds the thread code and data and loads it into memory
    • sets the initial PC
  • thread manager in OS maintains illusion of vCPU
    • gives CPU to one thread at a time
    • ensures one thread doesn’t monopolize CPU
    • protects threads from one another


  • a change in “normal” execution of a CPU
  • 2 different kinds:
    • computer-wide: hardware such as a disk or network card
    • thread-specific: address error, illegal instruction, math error
  • computer-wide interrupts:
    • may have nothing to do with the current running thread
    • runs in the context of the OS (interrupt handler)
    • delivered to appropriate thread when it’s running (maybe later)
  • thread-specific interrupts (exceptions):
    • runs in the state of the current thread
    • delivered to individual thread without impacting other threads

Bounded Buffer

  • OS provides bounded buffers
    • allows threads to communicate
    • supports SEND/RECV
    • various implementations - threads don’t care
  • threads can’t communicate directly w/o the OS
    • reduces error propogation
    • allows use of different mechanisms


An OS is an “easy to use” abstraction - VMs are virtualization via emulation

the interface appears exactly the same as raw hardware, but it’s not