

There are several techniques to map names to values, often combined for a single name resolution.

The main idea is resolve(name, context), that maps a name in a context to exactly one value.

  • table-based lookup: correspondence of name-value in a table
  • recursive lookup: resolution provides a new name rather than a mapping, new name looked up
  • multiple lookup: search multiple contexts to find the name

So why names?

Computer systems use names to identify components

  • addresses of values in objects
  • addresses of other systems

Components may be passed by value or reference

  • value: copy component
    • only makes sense for some usage
    • better for modularity: minimizes side effects
  • reference: provide the name of the component

Names facilitate sharing

  • different components can reference the same object
  • name is used to provide a reference to each component

Names allow deferred lookup

  • to which object does a name refer?
  • decision can be make when the name is looked up

Indirection: using intermediary to associate name and object

Binding: association of a name to a particular object

Contexts and Operations

  • context: information that helps determine name
    • e.g. identity of the user
    • location making the request
    • current working directory